Monday, April 6, 2009

cUbS WiN..CuBs wiN!!!!!!

Hey all you Chicago Cubs fans......not sure how many there are.......
but today was opening day and the cubs won!!!!!!! {4-2} I believe.
{my husband would not be proud of that}....{the I believe part}
I'm am sure he thinks I should just know these things....haha!!!!
So it is always a good day at our house when the cubs win!!!!!!

You can sing along if ya want.........
go cubs gooooo.......
go cubs gooooo........
hey Chicago whadaya say cubs are gonna win today!!!!!


The DeHeer's said...

Grace came running in yelling "Cubs win, Cubs win!!!" Wow she is amazing.

Tawnya Torres said...

Did you get your bag? I sent it last week and was told you were gonna get it today or tomorrow. Let me know. Hope you like it.

Unknown said...

OMGosh not you too! LOL I did a post for deb yesterday all about baseball(something I know not of) I used the word yankee on her blog now she may break up with me LOL

she likes some team with a guy named TEK on it

Heather said...

I don't keep up with baseball too much but I do love a day at the ballpark regardless of who's playing!

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

Tiffany said...

Congrats to your team!

Princess S said...

GO CUBS!!!!!