Thursday, August 20, 2009

fiRsT dAy Of sChOoL......2009-2010

First day of school was yesterday!!!!!!
WOW......I think the summer went by sooooo fast!!!!!!
It's just going to be a weird year.......Taylor is a SENIOR!!!!!! {{oh no!!!!!}}
Delaney is a sophomore {{already?!!?!?}} and Kale is in 7th grade {{yikes!!!}}
So now I hope you see why I say weird.......senior, sophomore, and 7th grade!!!!!!!
They have all grown up so fast..[[how did that happen]] they were all just little kids last time I looked!!!!!!
Have fun you all!!!!!


Stacey said...

They grow up way to fast!

April said...

It never gets any easier, does it? We'll have to form our own support group to make it through the senior year. Don't know if I can make it without shedding a heap of tears! So hard!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree they do grow up too fast!

Jennifer said...

I can't believe the summer is over either. Nuts. We started dance back this week and it seems like the recital was just over.

Stopping by from SITs.

Kristen said...

Wasn't grad night just last week? Hmm... it sure felt like it.

McVal said...

I love your blog! They do grow up fast! My son just graduated and moved out. It will get easier as time goes by but yuck!
The music on your site is great! It makes me feel like I'm browsing thru your photo albums and watching home movies right along with you.
Thanks for stopping by this morning!

Melinda said...

So glad you found my blog! I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

My boys are only 4 and almost 2 and I am already having a hard time with how fast they grow up.

Unknown said...

My son start school in a few weeks... exciting yet sad... time goes by way to fast! Where did summer go? It wasn't long enough!

Small House said...

I have a senior to this year!! It gets even weirder...soon it will be graduation!!!
Have a good day.

MrsM said...

Wow. Thanks for the anxiety attack! LoL. I think all moms agree that it goes by way too quickly and that no matter how big they get you'll always look at them and see the baby you cuddled in your arms as they first saw the world.


I'm going to go peek in on my babies right now and tell them not to get any bigger.

Unknown said...

This was the first year I didn't have any kids in school. Talk about weird! Your kids are so cute! (don't tell them I said that LOL)

Stopping by from SITS!!

Princess S said...

AWWWWW how years picture will be a little different!!