i LiVe iN A sMaLL tOwN iN sOuThErN iOwA...WiTh mY hUsBaNd TrOy, 3 gReAt KiDs TaYLoR, DeLaNeY, aNd KaLe AnD BeAuTiFuL BuLLdOg...BeNtLeY{{iN oUr hEaRtS}}, i LoVe tO SpEnD TiMe WiTh fAmiLy aNd fRiEnDs jUsT hAnGiN' oUt, LaUgHiNg, AnD eNjOyiNg tHe CrAzEe wOrLd wE LiVe iN!!!
Noooo...not SNOW!!! We've had cooler temps. here lately, but none of that white stuff...thank goodness! Yes...I say ENOUGH ALREADY! Bring on the warm sunshine!
We saw the sun for the first time in a week today. I had forgotten what it looked like :) BTW I am back and blogging at They Saved Me. Getting into how I brought the newest angel into the world. Praying spring springs soon! Have a great one!
Noooo...not SNOW!!! We've had cooler temps. here lately, but none of that white stuff...thank goodness! Yes...I say ENOUGH ALREADY! Bring on the warm sunshine!
We saw the sun for the first time in a week today. I had forgotten what it looked like :)
BTW I am back and blogging at They Saved Me. Getting into how I brought the newest angel into the world. Praying spring springs soon! Have a great one!
That snow looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!
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