This spring she found a few lumps on the side of her neck and after several tests she had to have surgery to remove them because they were cancer and had treatment after that.....i thought all was well......wrong she sent us an email not to long ago saying they found more lumps on the other side of her neck and was going to have more tests done!!!!! After the tests the doctors said she had to have surgery AGAIN!!!!! So on Monday of this week she went back in for surgery and they removed over 60 lymph nodes(that were tested and were cancerous) and alot of the soft tissue around those lymph nodes!!!!! The doctors are saying that the cancer was contained to the lymph nodes and has not spread!!!!!! I talked to her last nite and she still has some drainage tubes in but said she was feeling ok other than being sore. I just do not know what to say to her...she has 2 small children so i can not even imagine what had to be going on in her head!!!!! So please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers!!! Just makes us all realize how short life can be so lets enjoy each and every little thing we never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!!!
11 hours ago
This story brings tears to my eyes. I will pray for her.
Wow! I didn't know you had 60+ lymph nodes! I'm so glad they found it when they did.
I will pray for her. Hopefully everything will work out.
This prayer warrior is ready!!!! God is bigger than cancer and His miracles come in the most unexpected ways!!!
I will be praying for your friend and for you to be able to comfort her! BTW, I have tagged you! Come on over, if you want to play along! Melissa
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