Wednesday is the day all parents look forward to....back to school!!!! We have the shopping done and the perfect outfit picked out for the first day......and back to bed early!!! Now I can have my routine back and a little time alone before I go to bed.....I LOVE IT!!!! Taylor will be a junior, Delaney will be a freshman, and Kale will be in 6th grade.......WOW!!!!! Troy and I talked about this the other nite......2 years and Taylor will be off to start a life of her own then a couple more years Laney will be off to do the same and before you know it Kale will be moving on too(he says he is always going to live with us.....HA!) The one thing we always say we look so forward too is when the kids are gone and we can do whatever we want......well I am not sure if that sounds so good the more reality sets in!!!! But I guess it is bound to happen so we may as well enjoy them now. I remember my Grandmother always talking about how fast time goes and I always thought she was just a crazy old lady and everything took am now that crazy old lady, because it was not that long ago we were driving them to school on the first they drive themselves!!! I just do not know were time went???? It just makes me crazy....worrying about if we are getting them ready to go out into the world and they know how to cook, do laundry, stay organized, and not be naive about things and able to make good is all I can say.....I just want them to be good people!!!! Troy tells me I worry about things that are out of my control..... but as a mom that is just what we do!!!! Ok I will now get off my soap box and just try to enjoy life!!!!!
1 hour ago
1 comment:
You are right my friend time does fly at mach speed the older I get. You have great kids you don't need to worry, they know if they get in a jam you and Troy will be there to help them. You guys are great parents and it is reflected in your kids!!!!
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