Sunday, October 5, 2008

cHiCaGo cUbS....

ok....first things first. i have to tell you it is a sad, sad day at our house......for Troy the begining of baseball season he kept telling me this is the year, this is the year.......well his hopes were high.....the Chicago Cubs won......i am not sure what he said but like 97 or 98 games this year, did AWESOME, and were the division champs......and in his eyes and several of my co-workers eyes they were going to go all the way(the world series).....well last nite those hopes and dreams came crashing down!!!!! the L.A. Dodgers beat them again......a 3 game sweep!!!! so we may have to be gentle to Troy for a few days until he gets over the pain!!!!! but there is always next year.....and as we all know that will only be a few months away before we have to start watching spring training again on T.V.!!!!!! so better luck next year to all of you cubs fans!!!!

1 comment:

The DeHeer's said...

Let him know that Grace is very upset about her "Cubbies" as well. She actually told her Grandpa the other day to be quiet cuz she couldn't hear her cubbies playing!