i LiVe iN A sMaLL tOwN iN sOuThErN iOwA...WiTh mY hUsBaNd TrOy, 3 gReAt KiDs TaYLoR, DeLaNeY, aNd KaLe AnD BeAuTiFuL BuLLdOg...BeNtLeY{{iN oUr hEaRtS}}, i LoVe tO SpEnD TiMe WiTh fAmiLy aNd fRiEnDs jUsT hAnGiN' oUt, LaUgHiNg, AnD eNjOyiNg tHe CrAzEe wOrLd wE LiVe iN!!!
You are a goofball!
Love it! Melissa
You are a very funny girl!!!! Hope you had a GREAT Halloween!!!!
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